1995 / 111 min / color
Seans poprzedzony będzie rozmową z Agnieszką Holland, którą poprowadzi Grażyna Torbicka.
Agnieszka Holland’s film is set in the artistic, bohemian demimonde of 19th-century France. Several poems by a certain Arthur Rimbaud fall into the hands of the acclaimed French poet Paul Verlaine. These works shake him to the core, and he decides to invite the aspiring young artist to visit him. From the moment they meet, it becomes clear to Verlaine that he’s dealing with a true genius, gifted with an incredible sensitivity to art and utterly removed from the conventions of bourgeois life. Verlaine’s admiration for the young poet goes far beyond his work; it turns into an erotic fascination that becomes an inspiration for the work of both men. Agnieszka Holland’s acclaimed film, based on a screenplay by Christopher Hampton, tells the story of a tumultuous love affair between two great artists, poètes maudits, whose work, after their deaths, reached cult status. Total Eclipse is one of Leonardo DiCaprio’s first major roles, showcasing the depth of his extraordinary talent.
Agnieszka Holland
Christopher Hampton
Giorgos Arvanitis
Jan A.P. Kaczmarek
Leonardo DiCaprio, David Thewlis, Romane Bohringer, Dominique Blanc, Nita Klein
Język: angielski
Napisy: polskie