Pro Industry
Date: 30th of April – 2nd of May 2024
Place: Stradom House 12-14 Stradomska Street
OFF CAMERA PRO INDUSTRY – a meeting with the film industry
PRO INDUSTRY is one of the most important events in the calendar of the Polish film industry. Just like every year, Polish and international filmmakers will meet in Krakow to discuss the realities of work in the film industry, the most recent trends and new possibilities for the industry.
Last year, we added the topic of post-production to the PRO INDUSTRY program and this turned out to be a hit, therefore this year’s edition will start with post-production.
The first day will involve lectures and case studies on special effects, post-production opportunities and what to think about that from the producer’s perspective, prepared by members of the largest post-production companies in Poland – Juice, NOLABEL, Platige Image and Postnovation. We will also get back to the topic of artificial intelligence in the discussion concerning the development and changes we have experienced in recent months. The day will end with a case study of the film Green Border with the production manager Alicja Jagodzińska and the producer Marcin Wierzchosławski.
The second day, Tuesday, May 1, will center on new film projects and the floor will be taken by the filmmakers. As part of the pitching session, we will listen to ideas for debut or second feature films – pitching will be divided into two parts. In the first part, the speakers will be the persons selected by the PRO INDUSTRY team from applications, in the second – the finalists of the Script Pro competition. The participants will have a chance to take part in the 1on1 meetings and talk with the producers potentially interested in their projects. There will also be case studies – this time we will talk about the film Anxiety and we will end with a discussion on the regulation of work at film sets with the representatives of the Filmmakers Union, among others.
Plans for the last day of PRO INSUDTRY cover a discussion with film editors – Magdalena Chowańska, Beata Walentowska and Maria Zuba. We will also talk with the creators of the film White Courage and Scarborn and we will ask the debutants of Munk Studio about their first feature films. A speech on casting directing will be delivered by great Kate Rhodes James who has great experience in that matter.
The PRO INDUSTRY program will be complemented by screenwriting workshops for young creators with Anna Jadowska and Łukasz Grzegorzek, and a discussion about film insurance. We will also take up the issue of the possibility of financing film productions by banks, and the discussion will be joined by representatives of bank institutions.
The partner of this year’s edition is Stradom House, where the PRO INDUSTRY will be held.
To take part in all the PRO INDUSTRY events, make sure you have the “Industry” pass.