16th edition of Mastercard OFF CAMERA coming soon!

The 28th of April 2023 is the date we will start the 16th edition of Mastercard OFF CAMERA International Festival of Independent Cinema. Thousands of people in cinemas, film stars from all over the world and professional filmmakers will again be welcomed in Krakow at the turn of April and May. On 1st December 2022, we were pleased to announce the Festival dates and all eight festival sections. Also, the first pool of tickets was released for sale.

It might seem that film festivals live for… two months of the year. Nothing could be further from the truth! The organizers of the Mastercard OFF CAMERA Festival already reveal their cards, they leave the first pool of tickets under the Christmas tree and present all festival sections. That’s a novelty. So far, information on particular sections were published February/March. But there’s a reason for such an announcement – the Christmas pool of tickets has been released for sale at very attractive prices.


If you are a big fan of exciting screenings in independent cinemas, open-air screenings in the city’s squares and on tenements’ roof, it’s high time you plan your May vacation in Krakow. The 2023 Mastercard OFF CAMERA Festival will be held between 28th April and 7th May in Krakow.


Every year, the Festival is divided into eight sections: four regular sections and four themed sections. The latter change with every subsequent festival edition, providing a commentary on the present state of the world and the subjects raised by filmmakers all over the world. The Festival program makes it possible for the viewers to go on a journey through numerous film genres, conventions, phenomena and trends. In 2023, the Festival audience will have an opportunity to participate in screenings held within the following sections.

Regular sections of the Mastercard OFF CAMERA Festival

  • MAIN DRAMATIC COMPETITION “MAKING WAY” – ten directing debuts or second films from all over the world competing for the Andrzej Wajda Krakow Film Award of USD 25,000.
  • POLISH FEATURE FILM COMPETITION – ten most interesting Polish titles competing for the Dominika Kulczyk & dFlights Award of PLN 100,000.
  • AMERICAN INDIES – daring, uncompromising and fascinating American cinema.
  • BEST OF FESTS – interesting productions awarded at international film festivals, that the Polish audience have an opportunity to see on the silver screen, usually for the first time.

Themed sections of the 2023 Mastercard OFF CAMERA Festival

  • HELLO ADVENTURE! – the great comeback of the “New Adventure Cinema” which gained its biggest success in the late 1970s and 1980s. Today, thanks to mainstream creators, that kind of films are back, and the genre itself is very popular among the makers of festival and arthouse cinema. How the new generations of directors translate the conventions of adventure cinema into the plots of independent films we will find out during screenings held as part of the “Hello Adventure!” section.
  • HERSTORIES – The weaker sex? Not at all! There are no doubts we’re stuck in a totally patriarchal and chauvinistic society. Though the last few years brought about numerous positive cultural changes, initiated by movements such as #metoo and #timesup, women are still marginalized; either at work, in their families and also in cinema. The special themed section of Mastercard OFF CAMERA not only places women at the very centre of film stories but it also showcases films made by uncompromising female directors who turn the gender specific standards upside down.
  • TECHNO PARTY – Can we imagine living without technology? Today, it’s an important part of our life, and the everyday reality without a smartphone, computer or Internet access hardly exists. The dynamic development of social media has changed the way we communicate, and the virtual worlds let us create alternative identities In the Techno Party section of the Mastercard OFF CAMERA Festival we will explore the pros and cons of the inevitable development of technology.
  • IT RUNS IN THE FAMILY – It’s time to take a closer look at new family formations. Determined not necessarily by blood ties and biological consanguinity. The “basic unit of the society”, as we call it, has for decades been an inexhaustible source of inspiration for culture and film. However, it has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. It is therefore worth exploring the (often surprising) new types of family connections.


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Detailed information on passes and vouchers can be found at: https://www.offcamera.pl/en/tickets/. As always, the Mastercard cardholders can enjoy a 20% discount.


  • Pool I (1.12.2022 – 31.01.2023)

PASS Open – PLN 300

PASS 10 – PLN 125

  • Pool II (01.02.2023 – 31.03.2023)

PASS Open – PLN 345

PASS 10 – PLN 145

  • Pool III (01.04.2023- 07.05.2023)


PASS 10 – PLN 165


PASS OPEN – entitles its holder to make reservations for unlimited number of film screenings

PASS 10 – entitles its holder to make 10 reservations for film screenings

Contact for the media:

Michał Zalewski
Mastercard OFF CAMERA Spokesman and PR Manager
phone no: 602 377 594
@: m.zalewski@offcamera.pl

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